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Video 1: Individual Project – Mindmap and Concept

Mind Map_Non Narrative Movie

I decided to choose the reverse movie out of the two initial ideas that I have mentioned on the previous post. I am interested in how people in the society nowadays is doing something that, whether they know it or not, is bad for the natural ecosystem without even thinking about the effect of their action. Once they realized that they have damaged the environment, they will be panicking on trying to “restore” and undo their action, then, they started to regret that.

Based on that environmental issue, I try to convey a message through this non narrative movie. The message of the movie is about the effect natural destruction from human activity that cannot be undone as easy as reversing a movie video and it might not possible to be completely restored because, in real life, the time will keep going by.

The movie be using a regular and reverse scene. The regular scene recording will show the “contamination” process. Whereas, the reverse scene will represent the “restoration” or “healing” process. Those scenes will be using a little bit of slow motion effect to increase the dramatic sense in the scenes.

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